Monday, March 10, 2008

10K Duendes del Valle

I ran my second 10k race on Sunday, the 10K Duendes del Valle. I got to the starting line about 30 minutes before the race start so I had a chance to warm-up properly and go to the bathroom. It was 7:15 and the race started! It was a very crowded start with 3,000 runners. I managed to be at midpack but still the start was pretty slow. I tried to go to the side of the pack so I could go ahead and pass the slower runners. I picked up a 5:30 min/km pace. Didn't want to exceed myself as my left leg was still sore. To my surprise the sore became to disappear and I began to run at a faster pace. However, I did a stupid rookie mistake of trying out my new insoles. At about kilometer 3 I began to feel that right foot was rubbing rubbing very hard with the new insole. At about kilometer 5 I though it would be wise to quit the race or at least walk but I looked at my garmin and read a time of 25:45. My ego didn't let me stop as it desperately wanted a new personal record. I arrived at the finish line at 50:38 (5:04 min/km pace)! I shaved off 4 minutes of my previuos 10K race. I was very proud with my new personal record, but my right foot was really sore with a very big blister because of the new insoles. No more insoles for me, I will be looking to buy new running shoes this week. I'm thinking of taking this week off from running so I can recover from my blister and my left leg, which is still a little sore.


I rode my mountain bike for 20 kms in flat, paved terrain through the Huasteca Canyon. Easy riding to loosen my legs for Sunday's 10K race.


I went to a local shoe store to have my foot analyzed (in search of a reason of why my leg is still sore). So I stepped on the footprint analysis equipment and found out that I have a high arc on both of my feet (higher on left) and a neutral stride (mild pronation). The store seller explained that I need to use running shoes that offers good cushioning because of my high arch, which does not provide the natural absorption that a normal arch provides. My current running shores are for trail running, and are usually harder with less cushioning. I think I found an explanation of why my leg hurts. I couldn't find any running shoe that I liked and besides they are very expensive here in Mexico and not much variety. Anyways, I bought some insoles that the seller recommended for my high arches.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Still sore

I still fell my leg sore at two different parts: just above the knee and right below my pelvis area. I'm beginning to think I might need some days of rest from running. I'll see how it goes after my 10K race this Sunday. Here is a recap of the last few days:

Monday - Complete Rest

Tuesday - Supposed to train track repeats, but was too sore to run, so I just walked for 20 minuts on the treadmill and I took a video of myself running on the treadmill to analyze my foot strike and running form. I haven't analyzed the video yet, but as soon as I do i'll post it.

Wednesday - Stretching and strength workouts

Thursday - Goal was to run 8km @ 5:37 min/pace; I ran 8km at @ 5.40 min/km pace, almost on target.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Guitarritas Mountain Bike and 16K Run

Saturday was a cross-training day and went out mountain biking with my brother Andres to Guitarritas Canyon (15km away from the entrance to Huasteca Canyon Park); great place with beautiful scenery. 30 kms through rocky terrain at an easy pace with some rests.

Sunday was a 16k run to Huasteca Canyon (my longest yet!). Pretty flat run with a slight uphill the first 8 kms and slight downhill on the way back. I was still feeling my left leg a little sore, but it become less and less and then it became absent as I ran more kilometers! I ran the 16k in 1:36:00 (6:00 min/km pace). When I finished the run, I felt that I could go on running some more kilometers, but decided to stick with the FURMAN plan to prevent any injuries.

Today, my left leg is still hurting slightly when I walk, but I think it is now disappearing (hopefully, as this sunday is my 10K race).